then yesterday the library is closed just because it was Tuesday
so here I am.
and now I don't remember last week, because it was like a whole week ago. ummm
we went to a Hokej game!! what up! so freaking cool, the dopest. like way fun, we went with an investigator who is a retired NHL player. haha he was like teaching us all about it, so cool! and the game was just super intense, like well actually it was in a Hokej arena.... but seriously a nail biter. First 1/3 we're down 1-4, boooo. Then second 1/3 we're down 2-4, boooo. still then I was like we have to score 3 in this last 1/3 or we aren't going to win and we have to stop them.... and then WE TOTALLY DID IT!!! 5-4 baby!! but then in the last 25 seconds of the game "Most" our opponents, take the keeper out, and have all of their players on offense, and they just took shot after shot after shot... oh man It was so crazy!! Then like 3 people got boxed and it came down to a puck drop with 2 seconds and they almost scored again!! SO CRAZY BUT WE WONNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so then the next day we had Svaty Martin Day and this guy rode into our city on a white horse with this whole medieval parade following him, one of our members was in it so we watched, then they had this huge fireworks show. By huge, I mean freaking huge!! like we're standing in the namesti... plaza of the city and literally looking up at the fireworks, and the fire works took up my whole peripheral vision! ...for like 15 mins! and then they just had the coolest music playing on these huge speaker towers! Literally my thoughts about it are unascertainable.
then the next day we did service, it was so cool, we went to an old member's rest home and sang to her, then we taught English at this club for youth who have undesirable family situations. really cool, really fun we played simon says with these 4 teenagers haha they got so into it! hilarious.
next day one of our investigators passed her baptismal interview and will be baptized on Saturday. That was the best thing of the week by far, she's so amazing, I just can't wait!
next day Friday nothing. haha 5 hours in a bus. and some street kontakting.
next day coolest new investigator of all time.
next day sunday, on time to church, we had 7 investigators come! Second coolest thing of the week.
Monday everything was closed, so we longboarded and had subway.
yesterday taught 7 lessons. had an awesome day!
today. i'm emailing, that's weird. hahah yeah thanks for all the emails, i feel like i got so many today, maybe i should email 2 days late more often..
see you all in a few days!
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