this week was awesome! yeah what'd we do this week..... OH yeah, so on Thursday we had this Member call us and she's like "HELE! it's thanksgiving!" and I'm like "yeah we know" haha then she's like, ÿou don't have anyone to cook for you! so you must come over tonight so i can give you a thanksgiving dinner!"
It WAS A THANKSGIVING MIRACLE!!! so we went over to the member's house that night and she fed us this traditional Czech food that I'm not going to try to explain. (ovocný knedlíky) it was so freaking good! oh and the soup! oh man I'm literally salivating right now thinking about it it was so good! so it was great!
then the next day we had our thanksgiving meal! supper awesome! we had a chicken and mash potatoes and salad and I made rolls and cinnamon rolls and we had this awesome salad and gravy! UMMMHH that was delicious, it felt like i was in America again!! went to bed happy!
the rest of the week was pretty great fairly normal, but supper successful!
it's super cold here though.
Any way that's all i got, hope you guys had a good black friday, and i hope you all remember the reason for the season... The INCREDIBLE SALES OF BLACK FRIDAY!!! GO TO COSTCO, YOU GET A TV YOU GET A TV, EVERYONE GETS A TV!!!!
Have a Great week!!
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