did you know that 57% of brazil is covered in rain forests the rest is covered by Neuer. (german keeper)
sorry, sorry, enough with the brazil jokes besides I just cant take it aNeymar (neymar lolz)
anyway so i'm kinda sad that my two teams in the world cup had to play in the semis, Argentina and Netherlands, that was to sad, and then it was quite a pity that neither of them won... but at least they took second and third, it would have just been cool to see a south American team win ...
and can someone tell me how Uruguay did?
any way this week was pretty good, we had a good amount of teaching, finding and rain. (actually quite a bit of rain.) but it went really well, yesterday though we were kinda freaking out because the 3 main families from our branch were going on vacation so we and 2 older sisters were the only ones at church, also we didn't have any bread because one of the families was bringing it, so we freaked out a little, then we ran to get bread and as we were on our way out of our church building the family showed up, they had the bread and so we started. Crazy day.
we also had 8 new investigators this week, that was pretty cool. God really is hastening the work. and whether or not you want to jump on the bandwagon, it's up to you.
we've also taught this week, a lot of people from different religious backgrounds, probably every single person we taught was from a different line of thinking, the most difficult to know how to teach was the Buddhist girl we taught, it's just such a different concept to us so it was kinda hard to empathize, but, she's doing well.
keep up the good work family, and hey someone tell oskar to check his email!
-Love Y'all, Spencer.
P.S. just like grandpa used to say "Deutschland über alles !!!"
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